
Gift Certificates | Payment Options | Cancellation Policy | Insurance

Treatment Fees

$80 per 60 minute session 

$115 per 90 minute cosmetic acupuncture

$50 per 30 minute session
• Cupping only -or-
• Chinese nutrition consultation

Cash Discount Program: Discount for payment via cash, check or money order is $5 for a 30 or 60 minute session, and $10 for a 90 minute cosmetic session.

Health Savings Accounts or Flex Spending Accounts: If you wish to take advantage of the cash discount, you can typically pay in cash and get reimbursed from your HSA/FSA. Itemized receipts available upon request.

Gift Certificates may be purchased in person or via phone or email, for any monetary amount or number of treatments that you desire – treat your loved ones to the health they deserve!

Payment Options: Payment is accepted in the form of cash, check, credit card, Apple Pay or PayPal, due at the time services are rendered. Checks issued with insufficient funds will incur an additional $15 fee, due and payable immediately.

Cancellation/ No Show Policy: Your appointment time is reserved especially for you. Kindly give a 24-hour cancellation notice so that other patients are able to receive necessary treatments during that time slot. Any cancellations made with less than 24-hours’ notice will result in a charge of $45.

Insurance: If your insurance covers acupuncture, we can provide you with a superbill that you can submit for reimbursement.